Cabaret performer denies raping woman in sex club

Jeremy Frazier Newsome Smith.Jeremy Frazier Newsome Smith.
Jeremy Frazier Newsome Smith.
A cabaret performer accused of raping a 22-year-old woman during a Halloween bash at a swingers’ club told police he had taken Viagra before the party.

Married dad Jeremy Frazer Newsome Smith, 45, denies raping the woman at La Chambre in the Attercliffe area of Sheffield. He told police they got on really well and had consensual sex.

In a police interview read to the jury at Sheffield Crown Court, Smith said: “She wanted to have sex, definitely. I’ve got no doubt about that in my mind. At no point did she shout ‘stop’ or give any sign she was not comfortable in any way, shape or form.”

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Smith, formerly of Tingley but now living in London, said he and two friends were at the club to perform a magic show.

He was dressed as television character Herman Munster, with green face make-up, platform shoes and a headpiece, while his friends were dressed as Harry Potter and Lily Munster. He admitted taking Viagra before the party, but said it gave him a headache.

Smith, who said he’d been married for 20 years, said the woman had taken part in his ‘blue’ stage show and ended up winning a bottle of wine.

After the show the men talked to the woman and her friends.

“We started chatting and having some fun. We had a good laugh. She was really good fun, she had a really good personality and we were bouncing and sparking off each other,” he said.

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Smith said they were flirting, and he had his arm around her. He described her as ‘provocatively dressed’ in a short tutu, basque and stockings.

He said said after going upstairs with the rest of the group to look at a ‘full-on orgy’ he and the woman went into a room and had sex.

“I’m the softest person I know, I’d never dream of doing anything to anybody - I’m not confident with girls,” he added.

The trial continues.