Cricket club warning after £6,000 theft

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A cricket chairman has warned other clubs to stay vigilant after thousands of pounds of equipment were stolen.

Thieves broke into Crossbank Methodists Cricket Club in Lea Road, Batley, and stole lawnmowers and an aerator worth a total of £6,000.

Chairman Clive Barrett said: “We believe it was organised gang. It was an opportunistic theft and they knew what they were going to take.

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“And it seems there are other clubs in our league who have had similar kind of thefts.

“We have done such a lot of hard work with the new club house and for this happen so close to the new season is just awful.

“We would recommend that the other clubs make sure their security is switched on, make sure they keep an eye on equipment, even if it is in use, and make sure their entrances are covered because these guys are professionals.”

On Friday March 13 a white Mercedes van is believed to have got into the ground and forced entry to a storage unit where the Hayter Harrier lawnmower, Ransomes Squared lawnmower and Greens Hollow-Time aerator were stored.

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A dog walker reported seeing three people hurry into the van and drive away at around 8.20pm-9.05pm.

Sgt Garry Clayton from Batley and Spen Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “This was clearly a targeted offence with the suspects taking high value specialist equipment from a local sports club.

“It was not late in the evening and we believe that someone will have seen something that may help bring the offenders to justice.

“Anyone who can provide registration plate details for the white van or who can describe the suspects should get in touch.”

Anyone who saw anything suspicious or who has information about this incident should contact Batley and Spen Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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