Ditch the booze and feel the long-term benefits in January

Drinking lots of fluids is good preparation for your workout.Drinking lots of fluids is good preparation for your workout.
Drinking lots of fluids is good preparation for your workout.
Kirklees Council is backing an initiative for people to put booze on the back burner this New Year.

Over three million people in the UK are planning to do Dry January in 2018.

Participants elect to go tee-total for one month to feel healthier, save money and reset their relationship with alcohol.

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Councillor Viv Kendrick, Kirklees Cabinet member for Public Health, said: “Two-thirds of people who attempt Dry January make it through the month without drinking.

“Over 70 per cent of people go on to maintain lower levels of harmful drinking six months later, so the impact is clear.

“Dry January is growing every year as people decide to take control of their drinking and reap the benefits, in both the short term and the long-term.”

Alcohol related issues cost the NHS an estimated £3.5 billion each year, which amounts to £120 for every taxpayer.