Old Post Office in Dewsbury could become homes for the elderly

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A former post office building that has been vacant since the 1980s could be transformed into 27 flats for the elderly.

Nyala Investments LLP has applied to partly demolish the Old Post Office building in Wakefield Old Road, Dewsbury, to build the homes.

Coun Cathy Scott (Lab, Dewsbury East) did not wish to comment on specific planning applications due to her role on the Planning Sub-Committee for the Heavy Woollen area.

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But she did say: “I’m very much for any development in Dewsbury bringing old buildings back into use.”

The Edwardian Baroque style structure, which is in the Dewsbury Conservation Area, was built by architect Walter Pott.

It is understood to have stayed vacant since operating as Dewsbury General Post Office from 1907 to the 1980s.

The developers want the building to remain visually in-keeping with the area. They are also planning to create communal garden and a rooftop garden at the site.

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A design and access statement put forward to Kirklees Council by the developers reads: “The proposed new building will significantly improve the quality of the site and have a positive impact on the setting of the Baptist Church and generally provide an enhancement to the appearance of the Conservation Area.

“This will be achieved by the demolition of certain negative elements of the existing building, in particular the red brick portions to the rear, the lightweight industrial glazed structure to the Sorting Hall and Delivery Depot, which are currently situated immediately adjacent to the Dewsbury Baptist Church.

“The retention of the existing decorative façade and historic fabric of the existing building forming part of the heritage asset provides a positive impact to the site and the adjacent buildings.”

Public consultation on the plans runs until March 26.

Visit www.kirklees.gov.uk to find all the district’s planning applications, where you can leave a comment.

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