Battling for the future

Chidswell Action Group is aware that the group is being accused of political tendencies and alignment. I assure you nothing is further from the truth as those who joined our protest march last January will attest.

The real truth is all our members and supporters, who come from all political viewpoints, are acutely aware that the only political party which has expressed its opposition to the wanton destruction of our fast-disappearing green belt is the Conservative Party.

Many members who are not normally members or supporters of that party are backing them to the hilt in these actions. What would our children and grandchildren say in the future if the plans for the destruction of our green belt had not been fiercely opposed because of political bias?

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When green belt is destroyed it can never be replaced. We shall continue with our resistance to overcome this latest threat to our heritage and those of similar opinions are welcome to join us.


Leeds Road