Volunteers sought to spend £1m

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A £1m regeneration project for Dewsbury Moor is looking for two volunteers from each of its five estates to oversee how the money is invested.

The Dewsbury Moor Big Local Partnership was given the cash to spend on community projects in the area.

It has already given some funding to cycling and bike repair charity Streetbikes and to pay for computers for Dewsbury Moor Children’s Centre, as well as other local projects.

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A women-only drop-in session for Pilgrim and Beckett will be held at Faizan-E-Madina Masjid, in Pilgrim Avenue, on Friday March 6, 11am.

And another session for Pilgrim and Beckett open to anyone will take place the same day at 1.30pm.

Sessions for Moorside, Schools and Wroe Street will be held at the children’s centre in Heckmondwike Road on Saturday March 7 at 11am, 1pm and 3pm respectively.

The project is intended to be led by local people to support schemes that they think are important and to regenerate Dewsbury Moor’s five estates.

It is not run by the government or Kirklees Council.

Phone or text 07768 008527 or email [email protected] ror more information.