What do you think about changes to Reporter?

YOUR SAY What do you think about changes to our papers?YOUR SAY What do you think about changes to our papers?
YOUR SAY What do you think about changes to our papers?
You may notice a few changes to your Reporter.

A few weeks ago our reporters carried out a number of surveys on the street to ask you, our readers, what you’d like to see in the paper and what changes you wanted, and we’ve made those changes.

You will find our contact details, including telephone numbers and emails for news and advertising staff on page 2 as always, but we’ve given it a bit more room to make it easier to read.

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We know announcements of births, marriages and deaths are a well-read part of our papers so we’ve brought them forward into the news pages.

You’ll find there’s space for more of your letters - so please keep them coming. And alongside your opinions we’ve kept our opinion and comment columns including headteacher Jonny Mitchell, who writes every week, your local MP, who writes once a month and our own columnists Sarah Hall and Richard Beecham who share their observations in turn.

You’ll also find a new Essential Information page which includes useful phone numbers, emergency contacts as well as a list of the main roadworks planned for our area and late-night chemists.

You’ll find things in a different order but we’d not removed any of the great content including nostalgia, entertainments, district and people news that you said you enjoy.

We hope you like the changes and we would appreciate as much feedback as possible.

Please could you let us know what you think by filling out our short survey here.